Master Programme Book Studies – Publishing Practice
Prerequisites and requirements
- Undergraduate professional qualification (BA) with a grade of at least 2.5
- A two-month internship with a producing book vendor (publishing house)
- A written suitability test lasting 90 minutes
Application for the suitability test and approval procedure
Application deadline is 15 July for studies beginning in the winter semester and 15 January for studies beginning in the summer semester.
For international student applicants, all the following requirements apply, with an additional registration/application being necessary with the International Office!
The application takes place via the online portal, which can be reached using the following link:
The following steps must be taken for this:
- Register through the online portal
- Following your registration, you will receive a short e-mail with a link. Clicking on this link will confirm your registration.
- Log in to the online portal. There, the further procedure will be described in detail.
Recommended preparatory reading for the suitability test:
Breyer-Mayländer, Thomas: Wirtschaftsunternehmen Verlag. 5. Aufl. Frankfurt am Main: Bramann 2014 (Edition Buchhandel 5)
Lucius, Wulf D. von: Verlagswirtschaft. Ökonomische, rechtliche und or-ganisatorische Grundlagen. Unter Mitwirkung von Hans Huck und Matthias Ulmer. 3., neubearb. und erw. Aufl. Konstanz/München: UVK-Verl.-Ges./UVK Lucius 2014
Röhring Hans Helmut, Fetzer, Günter: Wie ein Buch entsteht. Einführung in den Buchverlag. 10., völlig überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Darmstadt: WBG 2019.
It is also strongly recommended that prospective students prepare by subscribing to the Newsletter of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association and by checking the information on the Website of the German Publishers and Booksellers Association regularly.