Master Programme Book Studies - Book and Media Research
Formal admission requirements
- Bachelor degree in book studies
- There is no numerus clausus
Verification of academic suitability
For the verification of the academic admission requirements for this master study programme, there is no department application deadline (the dates 15 July/15 January are not binding here). However, the deadlines for enrolment and registration set by the Student Chancellery and/or International Office must be adhered to.
For international student applicants, other deadlines apply, and an additional registration/application is required with the International Office!
Prior to enrolment, the department must confirm that the academic requirements mentioned above have been fulfilled (also for international students). In order to receive this confirmation, please send us your documents via the following online portal:
The following steps must be taken for this:
- Register through the online portal
- Following your registration, you will receive a short e-mail with a link. Clicking on this link will confirm your registration.
- Log in to the online portal. There, the further procedure will be described in detail.
- Following the completion of the application, you will receive a short confirmation e-mail. After the verification of your academic admission requirements, you will receive an attestation which you will have to present when enrolling at the Student Chancellery and/or the International Office (processing generally takes at least 14 working days). Enrolment in the study programme is then possible at the Student Chancellery within the specified deadline.