Interdisciplinary Discussion Circle on Enlightenment Research
In January 2019, an interdisciplinary discussion circle on Enlightenment research was established at the Centre for Book Studies of the LMU Munich, the members of which meet at regular intervals (once or twice per semester) to discuss current research questions concerning the history of the Enlightenment. The aim of this interdisciplinary discussion circle, however, is also to prepare and hold events of varying formats, such as lecture series and workshops, to provide a contact point for young scholars whose interests lie with the 17th and 18th centuries, and particularly to establish a Focus on Enlightenment Research at the Munich Centre for Book Studies in the mid term in cooperation with colleagues from the Munich Institute of German Philology and neighbouring disciplines.
Dr. Michael Auer
Academic assistant with the Chair for Modern German Literature and General Literature Studies, Institute for German Philology
Prof. Dr. Christine Haug
Directore of the Centre for Book Studies
Dr. Annette Meyer
Managing Director Centre for Advanced Studies
Participants of the Discussion Circle on Enlightenment Research:
Dr. Michael Auer
Dr. Oliver Bach
PD Dr. Johannes Frimmel
Prof. Dr. Waldemar Fromm
Dr. Christian Frühm
PD Dr. Mario Grizelj
Prof. Dr. Christine Haug
Dr. des. Romana Kaske
Dr. Christian Kirchmeier
Johannes Kleinbeck M.A.
Dr. Annette Meyer
Dr. Helen Müller
Prof. Dr. Hania Siebenpfeiffer
Prof. Dr. Gideon Stiening
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Vollhardt